Eating Local in Phoenix

About the Blog

Eating Local in Phoenix started out as a challenge. Was it possible to create one all local meal a week on a grad student’s time and money? The answer was, and is, yes. Phoenix is rich in beautiful produce, locally raised meats and handcrafted cheeses.

But Phoenix’s bounty is more than what I can create in my kitchen.

So, I’m expanding to include my Arizona adventures in food. From thoughts on local wines to my (mostly unsuccessful) adventures in farming, this is Eating Local in Phoenix on a larger level.

I’m still a dedicated foodie, passionate advocate for local, sustainable foods and, as a graduate student, woefully short on time and money.

Join me as I adventure.

Have a question? Want to make a suggestion? Contact me at: anna.consie [at] gmail [dot] com

Header design and photos by Anna Consie